Moleskin Recipe Journal

>> Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I can honestly say I haven't been this excited in a long time; Moleskin has introduced their new "recipe journal" and it looks beautiful. Granted I can't really find more information than what is shown in the video, but it looks like there are conversion charts, different sections for different recipes, not to mention the cover features different cooking utensils. I currently use a moleskin to house all my recipes, but it's a mess and I really looking forward to organizing this! 

Thanks to Megan and the heads up about this amazing find. I intend to purchase one soon, if not today :)

UPDATE: I found a template of the notebook pages, and now I am even MORE excited!

The basics are: Recipe, Ingredients, Preparation. On the side the notebook features: difficulty, serving size, cooking and prep times, wine parings, notes and overall rating.

I seriously can not handle the excitement. I may have to run to boarders during lunch to pick one of these bad boys up. WINE PAIRING?! They really thought of everything! 



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